Ahola Beautiful Beings
My name is Raven Blu, my journey of life as a sensitive, empath & intuitive has guided me to the services that I offer you here today.
I am a psychic medium, multidimensional channeler, embodied energy practitioner, intuitive soul guide & spiritual mentor. This path has all been divinely planned out as each chapter has led me to discover a deeper level of awareness that has unlocked from within, this is your soul calling, your true authentic nature hidden inside.

As for the details, I was guided to share a little about my journey:
In 2017, I experienced my NDE, I had to step back from my 4 yr career as massage therapist & step into a teaching role. I was so honored to be part of supporting & empowering the massage students coming into their own essence of their gifts & skills. This role was such a rewarding experience as it brought me the lessons that I can still support others without the hands-on work & it filled my heart so dearly to witness the students learn & grow. This year was a huge moment for me personally, as I was in full rehabilitation mode with healing my own body & discovering that we are more than just the mind & body, we are a soul.
At the scene of my accident I felt a divine presence cocoon me before I lost consciousness, and when I awoke I felt like a whole new person & my extrasensory gifts were activated and I was then led to a new hands on therapy called biodynamic craniosacral. This therapy allows the body intelligence to come forth to support the healing within & brings forth the cellular wisdom of the body to restore itself from within. Between these 2 new areas of guided interest of studies, I was able to develop my psychic gifts more due to the anchoring that craniosacral brought me to my physical healing, it brought embodiment to my physical form. I also allowed myself to experience new healing avenues of self care, meditation, yoga, expressive dance, breathwork and earthing are just to name a few. I was connected organically to mentors & teachers such as Anne Berube, Shawn Leonard, Eben Alexander, Brian Weiss, John Holland & Wayne Dyer, this was the beginning to my own spiritual awakening & soul unravelling. The last profound shift in this life phase was my connection with our earth, I began to feel my connection with her felt her (the earth) again & the healing offered to me daily was such a sacred & powerful internal divine shift. This brought forth a deeper sense of interconnectedness of all living things & beings, the realization of “ONENESS”.
In 2022, severe lower abdomen pain & symptoms had me once again step away from massage. Around this same time, I also experienced a kundalini energetic awakening. At this time I was already feeling the calling to connect more with energy medicine and took this as a loud sign from above, that it was time for me to step away from my western massage role once again. During my healing process, I continued with my training & studies with completing my reiki master diploma, light language energy medicine training, past life regression diploma, mediumship training , and then dove deeper into developing & fine tuning my psychic extrasensory abilities. I was called at this time to create this vision of a business to guide, support & empower others through their own soul awakening.
I have learned from real life experience that we are truly capable of healing ourselves at many levels & we have more resources than you can ever know. These resources are available to all of us & you will find yourself feeling empowered to take your next steps closer to your journey of standing in the truth of your own heart & soul.
As for my virtual & in person gatherings, they are in a constant state of evolving flow, from the 1:1 sessions, to group meditations, activations, moon ceremonies, past life regression & channeling training, so make sure to tune in & follow me on IG to stay up to date. All of my services & group gatherings are all divinely led & set with the purest intention to bring forth the wisdom of healing that is needed at the time. If you feel the calling. I am both honored & humbled to have this opportunity to be part of your soul journey at this time.
Mahalo & Blessings